This is how to display first level subdirectories only into a directory via command line
This is how to display first level subdirectories only into a directory via command line
This is how you display the number of file into a directory
This how to display any (text) file line number via command line:
This is how you to show a clock on linux shell:
If you try to connect to a another machine via ssh and you get this error:
Received disconnect from 192.XXX.XXX.XXX port 22:2: Too many authentication failures for username
Authentication failed.
I was looking for PHP files that I worked on that week. After some searches I come up with this command :
The Gnumeric spreadsheet application comes with a commandline utility called ssconvert that can convert between a variety of spreadsheet formats on the commandline:
This how to setup public key authentication over SSH :
There's is another way to connect to an ssh account without typing a password and without key authentication, by using expect.
This is the command I use looking for backdoors or webshells and it works all the time.